Affordable Spider Control
Professional Spider Removal Company: Contact Us Today!
At Enviro-Tech® Pest Services, we understand that spiders are very unwelcome guests in your home or business. To help you feel safer and more comfortable, our team offers the most reliable spider control around. Backed by over 35 years of pest control experience, you can rest easy knowing that we have encountered and resolved every kind of spider infestation possible and can guarantee that we have a solution for yours. Our team can protect your home or business against all different kinds of spiders, including house spiders, cellar spiders, black widows, brown recluse spiders, hobo spiders, tarantulas, jumping spiders, wolf spiders, and more.
Call (800) 836-3089 or contact us online to learn more about our spider control services.
What Attracts Spiders to a Home or Business?
In order to effectively carry out treatment for spiders in your home or business, you need to understand what attracted them in the first place.
The following things attract spiders:
- Mates: Male spiders are always on the hunt for females to mate with, so they will enter a home or business if they can sense females present.
- Shelter: When weather conditions are harsh, spiders will head inside in search of a safe, cool, dark place to hide away. In addition, females will enter a home or business in hopes of finding a safe place to lay their eggs. Most spiders love dark, secluded areas such as basements, garages, and attics as well as spaces with a lot of clutter.
- Other pests: Spiders feed on other pests, including cockroaches, silverfish, mosquitoes, flies, and more. They can sense when other pests are present, so they will enter a home or business with plenty of pests to feed on. Unfortunately, that often means that a home or business with a spider infestation is often also infested with other pests.
- Easy access: Certain things like stacks of wood, trees hanging over the roof, sheds, and piles of leaves will attract spiders to your yard and make them more likely to enter your home or business. Cracks, holes, gaps, or other forms of damage to your home or business make it easy for them to enter.
Spider Prevention Strategies for Homes & Businesses
If you’re like most other home or business owners, you want to do whatever you can to prevent spiders from entering your home or business.
Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent spiders, including:
- Clear all clutter out of your home or business
- Make sure to regularly clean your home or business
- Repair any holes in your window or door screens
- Store all food in tightly sealed containers
- Seal any cracks or gaps in your foundation with caulk
- Schedule routine pest control
If there is a way to get into your home or business, spiders will find it. One of the best ways to protect your home or business against serious spider infestations is to schedule routine spider control. Year-round treatments can eliminate any existing spiders in your home or business and prevent future invasions from taking place.
Book Your Spider Control Service Now
If you suspect or know that your home or business has a spider infestation, don't waste time! Giving our professional pest control team a call to eliminate the spider infestation will grant you peace of mind. By professional treating your home, it's easier to avoid future spider infestations or issues as well. Call to schedule your appointment.
To make an appointment for spider control services, contact us online or give us a call (800) 836-3089 today!

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