Flea & Tick Control
Protecting Your Home, Family & Pets Since 1985
If you have ever experienced a flea or tick infestation, you know how miserable they can be. Whether brought in by humans or pets, fleas and ticks are just about the least welcome guests in your home or business. If you discover you have a pest problem,
Enviro-Tech® Pest Services is here to help. Our flea and tick control professionals have the training, experience, and resources necessary to flush fleas and ticks from your property and keep them from coming back. Backed by 35+ years of pest control experience, you can always count on us for exceptional service and lasting results.
For reliable flea and tick control, call F:P:Sub:Phone} or contact us online today.
The Health Risks of Fleas & Ticks in Your Home
Not only can a flea or tick problem be a nuisance but it can also be a serious health and safety risk. Both humans and pets alike are in danger of contracting illnesses through the bites of fleas and ticks. Common symptoms of flea- and tick-borne illnesses include rashes, headaches, nausea, vomiting, joint stiffness or pain, weakness, muscle pain, fevers, loss of appetite, cough, and stomach pain. If you or someone you love is experiencing any of these symptoms after coming into contact with fleas or ticks, you need to see medical assistance right away.
Tick-Borne Diseases & Prevention
In the United States, some ticks are known to carry pathogens that can cause human diseases upon transmission. When infected ticks feed on humans, they transmit these pathogens into their bloodstreams.
Diseases transmitted by ticks include:
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
- Ehrlichiosis
- Tularemia
- Babesiosis
- Anaplasmosis
- Bourbon virus
- Colorado tick fever
- Lyme disease
Ticks are most commonly known for transmitting Lyme disease, which can be incredibly dangerous. Depending on how long it takes to form the correct diagnosis, Lyme disease effects can range from mild to lifelong and debilitating. Early treatment for Lyme disease is critical.
Flea-Borne Illnesses
Like ticks, some fleas carry pathogens that can cause human diseases. These pathogens are transmitted to humans through the bite of a flea.
Some of the most common flea-borne diseases include:
- Plague
- Flea-borne typhus
- Cat scratch disease
Fleas can also carry and transmit parasites that cause tapeworms to both humans and pets.

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